Teaching Factory

All of us have a special talent or ability, that others may want to learn. Sharing your knowledge at a reasonable fee is one of the oldest professions around. Here are a few ideas:

1.English Teacher:
If you have an excellent command of the english language and its grammar, as well as pronunciation you can teach non-English speakers who want to learn.
  • You can include elocution lessons, which teaches people how to speak without an accent, for better communication and speaking.
  • If you had a good mark in matric, you can tutor school learners.
2. Art Teacher:
If you are a talented artist or craftsman, you will find there are people who want to learn your methods and knowledge. These are usually done at an hourly fee or a monthly fee with one lesson a week of an hour or more. Saturday mornings are sometimes easier for working students.
  • Set up a program you can offer, that will suit the type of student (child or adult)
  • set goals the students need to reach, 
  • and guide them to selling or exhibiting their art/craft.
3. Needlecraft Teacher:
If you have good sewing, knitting or crochet abilities, you will find many people who want to learn. 
  • Set up a step by step program you can offer
  • set goals the student needs to reach
  • and guide them into creating specific usable or marketable items (eg. bags, dresses, rugs, blankets)
4. Fashion accessories Teacher:
If you are good at beadwork or making jewellery, there are many people who would like to learn your abilities.
  • Set up a program you can offer
  • set projects and goals for the student
  • and guide them into making marketable or usable items (eg. rings, bangles, etc)
5. Sports Teacher:
If you are good at a specific sport, especially soccer, tennis, cricket, golf or martial arts, schools and parents are always on the lookout for good coaches.
  • Make sure you know the sport's rules
  • set up a program including fitness, skills, rules, watching professionals 
  • match the program to the age and skill level of the student
  • guide the student to the future possibilities of the sport 
6. Baking & Cooking Teacher
If you are talented in the kitchen, you can teach those that aren't so talented the basics of food preparation and cooking, how to make dishes for any mealtime or how to bake cakes/biscuits to sell at the home industries or at markets.  Include how to make wedding cakes or birthday cakes, which are big sellers!
  • Set up a basic program to offer
  • set projects for the student to master
  • guide them to marketing their baked goods, or doing catering for events